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It is March, 1915 in France, and just behind the front lines a woman is running for her life. She does not run from enemy soldiers or falling mortars; a far more sinister creature stalks her, one created by bloodshed and black magic. This is the newest threat in a war growing uglier by the day, and it won't be the last. Or the worst.

But this woman is not a civilian. As a knight of the Order of Joan, she is only one of a legion of women with a long history of monster hunting. So when she runs, she does not do so blindly; it's all part of the larger plan.

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You've heard of space operas, but it's about time we had a space hootenanny!

Route 6.6 is a workplace comedy podcast set in a remote space truck-stop. But being remote doesn't mean it's boring - between the space bandits, the crashing semis, and the naked human running around, it's a wonder the crew of the Crater Cafe are ever able to get their day jobs done!

Check out our Patreon here!

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A smutty paranormal romance recap podcast brought to you by Goblin Booth Productions. Our host CeAnn describes the plot of a recent unhinged read to our semi-regular panel of reactors/hostages, all for your listening pleasure!

Follow us on Instagram @thisbooksuckspod

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The podcast about creativity and the media that feeds it!

Grab a seat as we set the table for a fine media meal. Only the finest china for this swill!

Check us out on Instagram @mediamorsels

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